Plot Against Hunger

Plot Against Hunger Finds a New Home in 2021

July 27, 8:44 am

This month, the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) will transition ownership of its Plot Against Hunger program to the Arlington Friends of Urban Agriculture (FOUA). Since its inception in 2007,…

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Sue Howell Reaps Bountiful Early Harvest

July 27, 8:44 am

Sue Howell’s expansive growing operation gives impressive meaning to the term “urban agriculture.” Multiple vegetable plots surround her Arlington home. She also gardens at her sister’s house and in a…

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Historic Ball-Sellers Hosts Plot against Hunger Garden

July 27, 8:44 am

The Ball-Sellers House, the oldest building in Arlington, started life as a one-room log cabin built by yeoman farmer John Ball in the 1740’s. Its link to farming continues to…

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Victory Garden Project Thrives at Central Library

July 27, 8:44 am

The Plot against Hunger garden at Arlington Central Library has gotten off to a strong start this season. While AFAC is unable to accept produce from volunteers, Central Library has…

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St. Andrews Celebrates 4th of July with a Bountiful Harvest

July 27, 8:44 am

As you can see from the photos, the Plot against Hunger garden at St. Andrews Episcopal Church is playing a big role in the Victory Garden produce project at Rock Spring…

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First Presbyterian Church Garden Starts Season Strong

July 27, 8:44 am

Audrey Morris, head gardener for the First Presbyterian Church of Arlington, recently reported a strong start to their growing and donating season. Overwintered chard in the church’s beds did well…

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The Victory Garden Project Brings Fresh Produce to Needy Neighbors

July 27, 8:44 am

With AFAC temporarily unable to accept produce from volunteer gardeners during the pandemic, the Plot Against Hunger program has joined with Arlington Friends of Urban Agriculture and Virginia Cooperative Extension to establish…

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Donate Fresh Produce – April 2020

July 27, 8:44 am

**Update 4/15/20 For the moment, we will not be accepting donations of fresh produce. We have made changes to our food distribution and food drop off procedures that make individual…

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2020 Garden Kickoff Welcomes over One Hundred Gardeners

July 27, 8:44 am

On March 7, the Plot against Hunger Program welcomed over 100 gardeners to its 2020 garden kickoff at Arlington Central Library. The program opened with welcomes from master of ceremonies…

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