Volunteer Spotlight: APS Partnerships
AFAC has a great partnership with the Arlington Public Schools. Teenagers (age 14+) are able to help in a
variety of ways without their parent. For high school seniors who are graduating, AFAC is an approved
site for the senior experience program for schools who participate in the program. These students are
here for approximately 30 hours per week for three weeks and help in a variety of ways. They perform
our typical volunteer duties, help with office work, research, and event planning. Pictured below are the
students who are participating this year:
We also work closely with the Arlington Career Center PEP Program (Program for Employment
Preparedness) which provides travel training, independent life skills, community internships, and
workplace readiness skills. These interns are here for a semester or two once a week for several hours at
a time. They learn about interacting with colleagues, how to work independently, how to ask for
additional tasks, and basics about working at a food pantry (which is a good launching pad for further
employment at a grocery store or food service establishment). These young adults are critical to helping
AFAC and we really enjoy watching their growth. Below is a picture of our current PEP intern, Khalid with a couple of our regular volunteer helpers: