Thursday AM Delivery Drivers Needed
We are anticipating the need for substitute home delivery drivers on Thursdays for the rest of the summer (and this may become more permanent starting in September). You would deliver groceries to 3-5 AFAC clients (you do not need to enter their homes). The pick up time at AFAC is between 10:00-11:00AM and you would receive a route that is fairly contiguous with 3-5 clients. You should plan on this activity taking between 2-3 hours depending on the number of clients and the distance from your home.
We also do deliveries on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday afternoons and we may need substitute drivers for those shifts as well, but Thursdays are the top priority at the moment.
Volunteers must be 18+ and have reliable transportation that is capable of holding up to 8 milk crates worth of food. Also, volunteers must be capable of carrying 1-2 crates full of food at a time. This is a great activity to bring a friend along for the ride!
If you are interested, please email us at and make sure you’ve completed a volunteer profile form.