Welcome to KidsGiving!
What is it? KidsGiving is a special project of the Taylor Elementary PTA, in cooperation with the Arlington Food Assistance Center, to teach kids philanthropy and civic engagement through volunteering, education, and giving.
How does it work? All you need to do is register your child for KidsGiving by filling out the form below. Once registered, every month you will get an email with a choice of several different volunteer/educational/giving activities your child can do, with some located conveniently at or near Taylor.
After a child completes at least three activities and makes a personal donation of their OWN money (the amount doesn’t matter, just that it comes from the child) he or she will receive a special certificate of appreciation from AFAC.
Who is eligible? All Taylor students of any grade – Kindergarten through 5th – are invited to participate in a range of different age appropriate activities. Siblings and friends are also welcome for most activities.
When is this happening? KidsGiving runs from October through June of the school year, and the email listing activities goes out the first day of every month. The last day of school there is a recognition ceremony.
What role does AFAC play? AFAC is our founding partner. Hunger is something kids of all ages can understand and AFAC is unique in the number of different kinds of volunteer opportunities it can provide for kids. KidsGiving also partners with eight other local non-profits in Arlington: A-SPAN (homelessness), Animal Welfare League of Arlington (animals), Arlington Thrive (emergency help), Aspire! After school Learning (education), EcoAction Arlington (the environment), Encore Stage & Studio (the arts), Offender Aid Restoration (aid to prisoners), and Phoenix Bikes (exercise and mentoring).
Any feedback and suggestions you have are very welcome! For more information, email Amanda Sutton at sutton.mandy@gmail.com.