Empty Bowls 2024
Join AFAC at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church on Sunday, February 11 for two seating’s at 11:30am and the second at 12:45 pm for this special event. Each guest will enjoy a luncheon of six different soups, bread, and dessert, and they will take home one hand-made bowl as a reminder that there are many members in our community with empty bowls. Many people face food insecurity, especially now, with the cost of groceries at an all time high. Many are struggling to feed their families, leaving bowls empty on the dinner tables. Your contribution to this event will help buy groceries for the 3,500+ families that come to AFAC weekly. Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you in February!
100% of the proceeds will go towards helping AFAC feed our neighbors in need.
General Tickets are available to purchase NOW!
Can’t attend AFAC’s ‘Soup’er-Bowl Sunday community luncheon? Make a donation to the event here!
Questions? Email Chief Development Officer Jolie Smith at jolie.smith@afac.org