Thank You from AFAC’s Board Chair

afac board chair

My name is Jeri Somers, and I am the Chair of AFAC’s volunteer-based Board of Directors. I want to personally thank you for donating to AFAC and helping to ensure those most in need have weekly access to healthy and nutritious groceries.

This past year, food insecurity in Arlington rose to its highest level on record. Vulnerable families who were already struggling before the pandemic were hit the hardest, forcing them to make difficult choices on whether to spend their remaining dollars on rent, utilities, or food.

Fortunately, you were there to support our community during this time of tremendous need. Your donations to AFAC have allowed families to receive fresh fruit and vegetables, milk, eggs, frozen protein (choice of chicken, ground beef, fish, or hot dogs), rice, pasta, beans, canned goods, bread, and so much more each week. Because of you, all of the families who showed up at AFAC’s doors left with bags full of groceries. Many families having no alternatives relied solely upon the food you helped to provide.

After serving on the board for a number of years, I took on the role of Chair because I strongly believe in AFAC’s leadership. Even though the number of referrals for food assistance increased dramatically during the pandemic, AFAC has been able to provide the same quality of service and care to thousands of families in Arlington. Our programs are innovative, permitting those who wish to volunteer to do so safely, and those who receive AFAC’s groceries to do so with their dignity and self-esteem preserved. I am thrilled with AFAC’s accomplishments and proud to be a part of this amazing team.

I hope that you will continue to join me in supporting AFAC. Together, we can make sure that no family will go hungry through these difficult times.


Jeri Somers, Chair
Board of Directors
Arlington Food Assistance Center

Recent Supporters

Yuchong and Bernard McDonough
Stephen Graham
Oscar De Soto
Your Friend in Real Estate, LLC
Geoff and Jennifer Odlum
Jean Claude Hunel
Brandt & Barbara Haring

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