
Home Delivery Packer Substitutes

October 28, 2024

We are looking for a few people willing to be SUB grocery PACKERS for our home delivery program. You need to be 18, able to lift crates full of items, bend, reach, and stand for two hours. You’d be trained but you’ll need to work fairly independently. You would be responsible for packing groceries for approximately 40 clients, so similar to a grocery store, you’d find the typical items and then put them into each client’s labeled crate. This is a task that is done every day from Tuesday-Friday from 1:30-3:30. Subs would be filling in for the regularly scheduled volunteer. We would try to give you as much notice as possible but we may also ask you at the last minute. If you are interested in helping, please email Thank you!

Author: Alana Rafiee